Lamberts Mill Academy

Lamberts Mill Academy

In December, our High School Seniors visited Universal Technical Institute (UTI) in Bloomfield, NJ. UTI is a technical training school designed to teach skilled trades such as automotive, diesel, welding and machining.

Our students participated in a "hands on tour" where they were given tasks to operate a system. The student operators had to successfully complete 8 specific procedures in order to move fluid/energy through the system. Lucky for our student operators, they were able to transfer the energy needed to operate the system.

LMA students are no strangers to hands-on learning, as we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive project based learning opportunities. Our students were very happy to participate in this visit and learned a lot about different trades and possible future careers that are available to them. 

In the picture above, our students are attempting to operate a hydraulic system.

For further information about Lamberts Mill Academy, please contact Pablo Samuel, Principal, at (908) 233-7581 Ext. 452.  


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